The main objects to be pursued by Angels in the Field which are open to all irrespective of caste, religion and sex, are:
- To undertake relief and rehabilitation measures for all kinds of emergencies, epidemics, natural and human-made disasters.
- To promote and assist integrated socio-economic self-reliant status to all the poor and needy from all livelihood sectors such as agriculture, irrigation, livestock, dairy, horticulture, fisheries, artisans, salt-farming, mining, industries, petty-business, trade units, self-employed and etc.
- Providing access to community-based comprehensive microfinance services on sustained manner for enhancing the vulnerable households livelihood portfolio
- To protect families and the communities from all major health concerns, especially HIV and AIDS, T.B., and Hepatitis-B through appropriate preventive, curative and rehabilitative measures.
- To combat all forms of child abuse, child labour, children and adolescents-trafficking and children on the streets and to expedite preventive, curative and rehabilitative measures to reinstate the childhood.
- To facilitate community led-drive to combat and curb all forms of social evils especially alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco, bribe, dowry and child marriages
- To establish homes for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) and destitute old-aged with appropriate onsite educational, social, recreational and spiritual services.
- To mobilize community-based advocacy to protect human rights especially the rights of the children and women to spread a way for women and girl-child empowerment.
- To facilitate individuals, families and the communities towards community-based disaster preparedness to mitigate the risk and to cope-up with all forms of external shocks.
- To propagate national integrity and community awareness through the observance of all appropriate national and international special days.
- To create greater awareness and consciousness among vulnerable stratum pertaining to their physical, mental, social, leadership and spiritual needs which are wholistic.
- To assist the communities to acquire basic family-wise and community-wise infrastructure facilities such as housing, toilets, schools, hospitals, water tanks, community halls, drainage, compound walls, community libraries, crèches, anganwadi shelters, pipeline extensions, wells, bores, electrification, inroads, child resource centers, mahila sadans and so on for improved socio-economic living conditions.
- To set up training, demonstration and learning centers for research, planning and evaluation of the projects and the programmes.
- To educate the children, youths and the adults through literacy programmes, cultural activities, recreational facilities, social and spiritual discourses, exposure trips, inter-village sports and games and to organize them into formal groups for the purpose of undertaking development action in the native community.
- To facilitate comprehensive health and nutrition services for the families especially children, women and the specially-able-children through the existing community health services as well as setting up of additional health, economic, counseling and spiritual service providers.
- To carryout charitable, development and relief work in cooperation with the Government and other agencies including philanthropists.
- To prevent all forms of ecological degradation and promote conscious and economic use of natural resources like land, forests, water, minerals, vegetation, etc.
- To do such other lawful things as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the above objects.